Thursday, July 2, 2009

1st Full Day in Londrina!

Matt and Paulo (One of the pastors at the church)

Our first full day in Londrina involved much planning and preparation for the Volunteer Retreat that begins tomorrow. We have so many fun things planned for the 91 volunteers and their families. Many activities that will allow for team building and our message of One Team One Goal….Um Time Um Alvo! Our focus is showing the volunteers how much they are loved and appreciated for all the work they do for the church.
It’ll be a blessed day of activities such as the Human Knot, the Trust Maze, the Lego Challenge, the Jigsaw Cross Puzzle and MANY more!
Plus there are many skits to perform for the volunteers that will generate lots of laughs and smiles making each of them feel good about being a part of their church team here in Londrina!
We are so blessed to have the honor of loving and showing appreciation to each of them!
Our biggest prayer requests are for “continued” mission team unity and that God’s Will be done for the duration of the retreat!

Our bible verse for the first day of the retreat tomorrow is….
God will protect them from evil.(John 17:15) God will give them, His servants, wise and discerning hearts.(1 Kings 3:9)
God will open the hearts of those who hear and see to respond to the message. (Jer. 24:7)

Jim and Holly at a team meeting

Team before lunch (Left to right: Lisa, Richard, Holly, Dwight, Kim, Wendy, Laura, Matt, and Jim)

The outside of Capela de Gracia - with the new logo we LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! So glad to hear things are going well and y'all made it safely. I'll be praying for God's will to be done and zero attacks from the enemy. Love, Julie Allen
